Short Answers History

  1. Corpus Juris Civilis: Justinian I, an eastern roman emperor issues a work in the field of jurisprudence between 529 and 534 which came to be know Corpus Juris Civilis in the modern world. This jurisprudence work has three pats. First is the Code, second is the Digest and the third is institutes.


  1. Carolingian Minuscule: The alphabets of Latin language were hard to understand across the European region. The Carolingian Minuscule is a script that was organized for the sole reason that the literate people of different European region could recognize the Latin alphabetic. It was a cerographic standard.


  1. Procopius: He was a 6th century historian from Palaestina Prima. He is considered to be one of the last person to have written the ancient history. He was the companion of the Roman general Belisarius.


  1. Julio-Claudian: This refers to a dynasty of Roman emperors. It consists of the initial 5 of the emperors. These five emperor ruled Roman Empire since it was established by Augustus, who is first of the five emperors.
  2. The Koran: Koran or Quran is the book that is believed to be revealed to Prophet Mohammed by God. It is believed to be the final words of the God for the Mankind. It consists of 114 chapter and 6666 verses.
  3. The Etruscan: The ancient Romans called the founders of civilization in the Tuscany, western Umbria and North Lazio as Tusci. The modern name for this civilization is The Etruscan.