Chapter 7: Short Workplace Messages and Social Media Company Email Assignment

Chapter 7: Short Workplace Messages and Social Media

Company Email Assignment


7.4 Choosing a Holiday Plan (Objective 2)

Background Info:

In the past, your company offered all employees 11 holidays, starting with New Year’s Day in January and proceeding through Christmas Day the following December. Other companies offer similar holiday schedules. In addition, your company has given all employees one floating holiday. That day was determined by a company-wide vote. As a result, all employees had the same day off.


Now, however, management is considering a new plan that involves a floating holiday that each employee may choose. Selections, however, would be subject to staffing needs within individual departments. If two people wanted the same vacation day, the employee with the most seniority would have the day off.


Your Task:

As a member of the Human Resources staff, write an email to employees asking them to choose between continuing the current company-wide uniform floating holiday or instituting a new plan for an individual floating holiday. Be sure to establish an end date for the request.


From: ABC

To: Staff Members

CC: The Boss

Subject: Floating Holiday


Dear Staff Members,

I hope this email find you in your best shape. As you all know that we have a floating holiday each year. As a result of a company-wide vote, the floating holiday was decided to be the same day off each year for all the staff members.

At present the company management is considering a new plan for the floating holiday. According to the new plan, each employ might choose a floating holiday on their desired date. Selections, however, would be subject to staffing needs within individual departments. If two people wanted the same vacation day, the employee with the most seniority would have the day off.

The purpose of this email to get your opinion about a choice between continuing the current company-wide uniform floating holiday or to institute a new plan for an individual floating holiday. Please inform me within 5 working days about your opinion and any other suggestions that you would like to make.

Best Regards,