Individual Relational Meeting with Marim Juli

Individual Relational Meeting with Marim Juli, Managing Director at

Racial discrimination is one of the widely discussed topic in American society. I have always been keen in knowing about what are the factors contributing to racial tensions in a society and what can be done to avoid these situations. I have visited the Racial Justice Leadership Institute which has been working for the innovations in racial justice to end this discrimination from the society to be a free and prosperous community. I managed to arrange a meeting with Maria Ruiz, who is the managing director at to discuss what her interests are and her work on social issues like racial discrimination. is an online portal where issues of social and ethnic inequality are brought in to the general discussion in order to create awareness of these issues.

Mariam Juli said that since she was young, she loved to meet new people and talk to them. She would be get disappointed when she saw people dislike one another because they were somehow different. She considers conservativeness and unwillingness to accept social diversity the main causes of racial discrimination. She said that real change will come from within the society when it negates discrimination in any form. She also want leaders to rise from the underprivileged to represent their community in a better way and understanding.

She is very vocal on twitter and other social media platforms where she announces different events related to social equality. She connects and communicates to people from all walks of life via emails, conferences, workshops and social media. She tries her best to attend seminars and conferences to meet with leaders from around the world and learn from their experiences. She thinks that she will be in better leading role in the future and will be talking more on issues related to social injustice, discrimination, women rights and much more. I found her very optimistic about the future where she can see a changed and better world than how it is today.