Project: How strategies for foreign direct investments (FDIs), are being expressed?


In this project it is explore that the strategy formulation process by discovering how strategies, particularly those for foreign direct investments (FDIs), are being expressed, and on what they are based. More precisely the company’s strategy making process may change or may need to be improved for the precise operating environment of an evolving market. The popular of publications regarding FDI designates the investment in developed countries, while very diminutive is said about the investment elements in less developed countries or countries in transition. In addition, research into executives’ perceptions, country stereotypes and their impact on investment decision is not suitable. This study enhances to the present information by inspecting a country in evolution that is new to overseas investment, from the perspective of foreign investors’ observations about that country and its speculation climate.

As the globalization of the marketplace endures, corporations that conduct business only within their national limitations will discover it problematic to survive. One way to manage with this problem is for corporations to increase their processes beyond home country boundaries into other countries through foreign direct investment (FDI). Even countries formerly closed to foreign investors, for example countries have predictable the economic benefits of foreign investment and have released their borders to foreign capital. Struggle to appeal FDI contains not only established countries, but also developing countries. Numerous factors may contribute to countries which are directed as a foreign investment purpose. Among these features the FDI works inclines the image and categorizes of the host country in the discriminations of foreign investors, as well as directors ‘personal observations and partialities regarding the host country, as playing a significant role in the investment decision making procedure (OECD, 2002).

Explain the concept of business strategy

An international business challenged with a clean global market environment where clients originate value from global features only must follow a cost leadership strategy. An international business confronted with a clean multinational environment where clients derive value from numerous local characteristics must follow a localization leadership strategy. An international business confronted with a semi global market environment where customers derive value from a package of global and local creation characteristics must complement its strategy. This means that an international business must follow a globalization and a localization leadership at the similar time, a globalization leadership for the international characteristics of the bundle and a localization leadership for the native features of its bundle (Cavusgil, Rammal, & Freeman, n.a).

The international strategy leads to an extensive variety of business strategies, and a great level of variation to the local business environment. The problem here is to improve one single strategy that can be functional throughout the world while at the same time preserving the flexibility to acclimate that strategy to the local business environment when needed. An international strategy involves a sensibly crafted single strategy for the complete network of companies and partners, surrounding many countries instantaneously and leveraging collaborations across many countries (Hill, n.a).

Define how firms can profit with global expansion.

Companies go international for a variety of reasons but the typical goal is company growth or expansion. When a corporation hires international employees or examines for new markets abroad, an international strategy can benefit expand and enlarge a business. Monetary globalization is the procedure during which industries speedily increase their marketplaces to include international customers. Such development is conceivable in part because technological advances throughout the 20th century concentrated global communication easier. Air travel and email systems mean it is possible to accomplish a business from a remote location. Now businesses often have the selection of going global, they evaluate a range of considerations before opening such expansion.

External operations are often beautiful to managers seeking to decrease their funds in order to increase profit. For example, it is conceivable to cut business above costs in countries with relatively collapsed currencies and lower costs of living. U.S based businesses can additional decrease overhead by effective in states that have free trade measures with the United States. It is often inexpensive to service a workforce in these nations since the cost of living is lower (Deruiter Consultancy, n.a).

Compare and contrast strategies:

Two diverse types of international strategy comprise is the standardization and adaptation. One is improved than the other when increasing into an international marketplace.

Standardization is exemplified through global efficiency. Basically put, it charges a lot less for a company to do corporate the similar way all round the world. Adaptation is basically to standardization. This types national and local sensitivity to individual regions and populations. Many concerns will select adaptation over standardization for their international strategy (Deruiter Consultancy, n.a).

Explain cost reduction pressure and local responsiveness:

Corporate and business strategies work together and influence each other in energy to make the business units and the company successful. Small businesses involved in a single industry already have completed the only corporate-level strategic decision which they have their industry to seam. Small businesses anticipating diversification, on the other hand, look a raft of additional corporate-strategy decisions, as well as business-level decisions for the new commerce unit, should it resolve to expand. The start-up candy maker’s company decision was to pursue that the confectionary market. Her business verdicts were built on how to contend, which in turn affect her operational strategies regarding distribution, manufacturing, promotion, price etc. When it diversifies, the addition of another unit requires business-level decisions for the new unit. But it may also need a reconsidering of the unique candy making process’s business strategy (Tawarwoska & Kakol, 2013).

Describe foreign Direct Investment Trends:

Foreign direct investment (FDI) is an imperative source of economic growth in this globalized world. Foreign direct investment is usually measured as a wonder for developed countries but in current years the rise in foreign direct investment currents to developing countries turned out to be higher than the growth in foreign direct investment incursions to developed countries. Features like accessibility of the natural resources, inexpensive labour, infrastructure, privatization, and political stability and management policies on FDI are the main elements of FDI in developing countries. Separately from providing a favorable and depositor friendly environment, evolving countries posture major risks such as political risk, exchange risk, economic risk and neighborhood risk for foreign investors.

Explain foreign direct investment concept

Usually the lasting management attention is about 10% of elective stock. It contains not only of the initial matter creating the relationship between the investor and the enterprise, but also the resultant businesses between them and among affiliated enterprises. It is designed in the balance of overheads of the host country by calculating the collective of equity capital, reinvestment salaries and other long-term or short-term capital, FDI delivers the resources and benefits the host country towards a more established economy. However, FDI cannot be measured as an explanation since it can have positive or negative possessions in different countries. Suspicious planning and precise strategy, along with the country’s economic environment is what will regulate the outcome (OECD, 2002).

Explain Benefits of Foreign Direct Investment:

In addition to all the benefits of FDI and its cost-benefit implications for both the host and home countries, convinced issues need to be taken into explanation by a foreign firm before determining to work in cross-border markets. For example, explanation of FDI in graceful of other foreign entry modes like outsourcing and licensing, paying sufficient attention to the appropriate between the location compensations with the company’s strategic goals, and understanding with the institutional limits of the host countries are all important determinants of effective FDI operations.

Countries can escalate the inflow of FDI by generating a business environment that makes foreign investors touch as if their money is harmless. Low tax rates or other tax incentives, defense of private property rights, contact to loans and subsidy, and infrastructure that permits the fruits of capital investment to influence market, are a few of the motivations that countries may bargain. Locating a good ranking in the World Bank’s Doing Corporate report and staying out of the annoyed hairs of Transparency International’s Corruption Opinions Index don’t wounded either. There are three explanations that may require firms to prefer FDI to licensing. First is that the FDI decreases dissemination risk like the risk associated with unauthorized diffusion of firm-specific know-how and second is the FDI result in more direct and tighter managerial control over foreign operations and last is the FDI encourages the transfer of inferred knowledge through knowledge by doing (OECD, 2002).

Define Risk and costs of Foreign Direct Investment:

There are several theories that seek to explain the risk and costs associates with the FDI. These concepts try to clarify that the firms go to the distress of acquiring or establishing operations abroad. Such theory includes the Internalization theory and Knickerbocker’s Model to name a few. This academic paper should relate such theory to illustrate and evaluate the rationale for foreign direct investment for a leading player in a selected industry. Political stability is one of the significant factors in attracting foreign direct investment in developing countries because it creates confidence for foreign investors.

Accessibility and cost of the infrastructure facilities such as water, power and telecommunication services play an imperative role in attracting the foreign direct investment. According to the research showed by Khan and Kim (1999), infrastructure facilities are poor as compared to the other countries that have concerned large amount of foreign direct investment. Government of the country has given special consideration to improve the infrastructure of the country in order to attract foreign investors. One of the key schemes undertaken by the government is the development of different new projects (OECD, 2002).


Many companies appear to do very well without a formal business strategy. International operations very frequently start with direct transfers. These are introduced by the indispensable commercial vision of top management and the excellent salesmanship of a few international export managers, subsequent in instant and attractive financial returns.

FDI shows an important role as a tool in international competition. The World Investment Report names FDI is basically a primary force shaping globalization. Along with the globalization of the marketplace, the world’s economy has extended in recent years. One of the factors influencing this trend is FDI. Currently, FDI is growing even faster than international trade, which has been the major mechanism connecting national economy.