Describe a real-life scenario in which you may have to graph (or use) a linear equation.

Describe a real-life scenario in which you may have to graph (or use) a linear equation. What does the slope represent in your example? What does the y-intercept represent in your example?

A real life example of linear equations could be a car driving on the highway, and how much gas it uses in a trip. The formula for linear equation is y=mx+b. The car starts the trip with a full tank of 20 gallons. The car drives 20 miles per gallon. So the equation will be y=-x+20

The slope is the “m” which in this case is -1 and the y intercept is “b” which here is 20, and this is where the line crosses the y-axis. The slope is how much the value of ‘y’ changes for every value of ‘x’


Linear Function: A function whose general equation is y = mx + b, where m and b stand for constants and m ≠ 0. A function in which the highest power associated with the independent variable is 1; a function that is represented by a line when graphed on a Cartesian plane.

Rate of Change: The limit of the ratio of an increment of the function value at the point to that of the independent variable as the increment of the variable approaches zero. Also referred to as “slope.”

Slope: The steepness of a line expressed as a ratio, using any two points on the line. A ratio of the rate at which the dependent variable is changing versus the rate at which the independent variable is changing; frequently expressed as  or .

y-Intercept: The y-coordinate of the point at which the graph of a function crosses the
