Prepare a position paper

Read the following paper

FLYNN, F. J., & WILTERMUTH, S. S. (2010). WHO’S WITH ME? FALSE CONSENSUS, BROKERAGE, AND ETHICAL DECISION MAKING IN ORGANIZATIONS. Academy Of Management Journal53(5), 1074-1089. doi:10.5465/AMJ.2010.54533202

Prepare a position paper considering the following:

  • Identify the parties involved, their rights, their responsibilities
  • Identify the salient ethical issues of the case.
  • Identify the relevant factual issues, conceptual issues, social constraints, and any additional information necessary for an accurate understanding of the case
  • Formulate possible courses of action.
  • Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of those actions, indicating which course of action you would choose, and why.
  • Provide your own opinions; do not regurgitate others’ opinions. 


Ethics plays a very necessary role in the development of the organization. The business cannot get expanded if the employees working in an organization are not satisfied with the business environment. The case has focused over the types of decision making behavior of the people. It might be different from person to person, and there are minds, which are different. The ethical issues and the decisions related to organizations are also made by the persons who are having authority in the organization, so it is obvious that there might be some of the differences over the ethical decision making as represented by the case.

There should be the understanding in the organization, so that the majority could make the decisions, the ones which are for the betterment of the business and for all the stakeholders. The use of social networking can also be done for the purpose of taking the consensuses of the people over a certain issue. Especially in the case of the brokers, where the prices of the shares are to be settled, the discussions and the necessary information are issued over the social network.

The decision making capability of the managers should not be damaged due to the circle of the people one has; otherwise, it would be an unethical situation that will be damaging for the whole of the organization and the stakeholders directly and indirectly attached with the business. The business might face a number of the issues on daily basis, they should be resolved only at the time when the decisions to be made are ethical and will not harm anybody from any aspect.

This paper is about describing principle-based approach that is not possible to convey in all the situations. It helps the professionals in any ethical dilemmas about their professional duties that they should perform while present within an organization so, that they can able to play their role in the development of the organization. For the development of the organization all the members at every level should follow the integrity, professional competence, objectivity, due care, confidentiality and professional behavior.

Main points

The individual, who does not know much about the ethical situation might sometimes, makes the decisions that are not ethical and are considered to be the ones that might be damaging for the others. The reason for this might be the unawareness and the lack of the social circle. Someone should not be harmed at any case by the decisions that are made by someone else.

What if someone is making the decisions that are unethical and the persons know that. At this time, whether that is a business or the individual, they get ruined sooner or later. Nobody stays for a longer period of time when it is not choosing the right decisions for the others just like it is making for itself. There are many factors that determine the chances of ethical decision making in the organization, and one of them is the social network where consensus is created.

Duty of the employees

It is not only the matter of the employers who are considered to be making unethical decisions for the lower level employees, but they may be the employees who do something intentionally, which is not good for the business. They ignore the situation by saying that they are making the right decision as they are social accepted. They should be considered to be the necessary part of the social network and must participate in that so that they could know how they can become a better decision maker. Ethical behavior of the employees also ensures that all the employees are performing their duties with integrity and honesty. Employees should use ethical behavior guideline that adheres to rules and policies use to meet the goals of the organization. Employees should also pay particular emphasis to meet quality standers in their work. That will prove to be very helpful for increasing the reputation of the quality of goods and services of the organization (Kelchner, 2008).

Roles played by ethics

The principles derived by ethics are not only limited to one thing or process, but all the aspects and the actions of the business, in which it is involved, are the part of the ethical decision making process. The social network of the people plays a crucial role in understanding the importance of the ethical values required to be followed in a business. The close colleagues might play their significant role in enhancing the moral values among the people nearer to them. They become use to following the ethical rules and regulations wherever they go.

Leadership Ethics

Loyalty and morale of the employees are directly affected by the ethics of the leadership that they use to manage the workers within the organization. It is the duty of leaders first to understand the situation and then apply various forms of leadership upon the employees. Leaders should determine ethical discipline and acceptable behavior that they can use to increase the productivity of all the workers present within the organization.  Whenever, a leader get stricter it affect the employee’s productivity and incline their behavior towards work shirking. That is why; it is inevitable for the leaders and upper management to have high ethical standers so, that all the workers present within the organization meet the same level of ethics. Ethical leadership also plays a significant role in the enhancement of community and reputation of the financial market. Company business also gets improve due to the presence of reputation of the company for ethics (Trevino, 2008).

Professional Ethics

Term professional means that performing such duties that are good for everyone. It means profession itself is a utilitarian approach is in itself. For the development of the organization, it is the duty of all the practitioners to remain helpful for all the members present within the organization. All the practitioners should let their personal values to be a stand in a way that they condemn unethical behavior in their professional role. Each and every member should pursue their ideas at the minimum cost so, that everyone gets benefits from it.

Social responsibility and ethics

Marketers perform a fundamental role in earning goodwill for the organization. Marketing decision of the organization depict the cultural, social, personal characteristics and ethical environment of the organization. Customers evaluate the company from its role in the community development. Marketer makes their teleological evaluations from on the base of perceived or desired consequences present. If at that time marketers also take into account about the importance deontological evaluation. It will help in the determination of what sets of norms are possible as alternatives. Therefore, it is the duty of markers to perceive the role of social responsibility and organizational effectiveness for maintaining the ethical organization (Singhapakdi et al., 1996).

Ethical Organizational Culture

Ethical corporate culture can only create if employee and leaders adhered to a code of ethics. Business leaders can create ethical culture through exhibiting such ethical behavior they like to see in their employees. Ethical behavior can be reinforced within the organization via rewarding those employees who exhibit desire ethical behavior in their work.


            The decisions made by the majority are more tended towards the ethics as the consensus of more and more people is involved in them. The organizations and the individuals seek someone who understands the ethical situation in a better way and is in better position to make decisions. For the formation of the decisions that are more tended towards the ethics, a huge circle of the experienced persons should be formed, and their opinions should be taken to make the accurate decisions for the business, just like what the broker does. Benefits to the Organization

Morale of the workers can be improved among the employees with the help of healthy and positive corporate culture. It will improve not only the employee retention but also increase the productivity of the employees. That will eventually result in the form of generating significant financial benefits for the business. The efficiency of the company will improve due to the high level of productivity. It also helps the company to reduce the cost that spends in replacing the employee.