What is personality? Explain how personality affects how others see us.

What is personality? Explain how personality affects how others see us.

Describe each of the Big Five dimensions. Which dimension has the biggest influence on job performance? Explain.

Explain this statement: “Cognitive abilities are the brain-based skills we need to carry out any task, whether simple or complex.”

Explain this statement: “Cognitive abilities are the brain-based skills we need to carry out any task, whether simple or complex.”  

Personality is one of the central themes of modern psychology, the concept of “person” and “personality ” has its own history and understood in different ways. Among the features of personality are not people who are due to genotype or physiologically, does not depend on life in society. Among the personality does not include the psychological qualities of man, describing his cognitive processes or the individual style of activity, except for those that occur in regards to the people in the society. “Personality” features is a particular social, rather deep, talking more about the direction of human life and characterize the person as the author of his life (Mischel, 2013).

Personality affects us in different ways of life. Personality is the essence of man; the human consciousness is directed to subject the world around him or the search for a compromise with the world. First of all a person’s personality is his basic moral core, all actions are determined by the level of personality and abilities. As a result, a person influences his environment, even if a person is weak; it still leaves traces of their impact on others.

If the person is strong, then it is primarily subjugates the environment, or at least does all this requires, even if the effect is expressed in the unconscious, for the man himself, intimidation of their environment, if, on the contrary, a person is weak, that already entourage tries to dominate it looking for different options and methods of influence, thus even the weakest person has a direct impact on the environment, that is, provokes, makes the environment look for campaigns for your submission.

The social environment is a vital tissue that forms multiple relationships, which are a result of interactions and relationships which develop between individuals; this social situation exerts an undeniable influence on individuals from birth; it is she who will in most cases print them his special character and give its characteristics. When we talk about social context about the child we mean, the atmosphere in which he was raised and which acts on it throughout its development cycle as the beliefs, customs, habits, way of thinking, etc.

For example, that the child sees on the television screen and what he hears and his feelings at the sight and hearing programs to influence and contribute to its form personality; This is why it is necessary and must attach great importance to the mass media, public events and social institutions to protect the young. It should also carefully check the programs for youth, as well as the press intended for them and ensure that it is consistent with their mental capacity; just as it will ensure that their cultural and recreational activities are well adapted there.

Human resources professionals often use the five broad dimensions of personality to locate employees. These dimensions are considered to be the underlying traits that make up the overall personality of an individual (Schultz, & Schultz, 2016). The five main traits are Openness, Professional Awareness, Extraversion, Agreeability and Neurosis, or OCEAN:

Opening – People who like to learn new things and enjoy new experiences usually score a high score in Opening. This dimension encompasses traits such as being shrewd and imaginative, and having multiple interests.

Professional Awareness – People who have a high degree of professional awareness are reliable and punctual. Features include being organized, methodical and rigorous.

Extraversion – The extraverts draw their energy from interaction with others, while introverts draw from deep within themselves. Extraversion includes features of a dynamic, loquacious and assertive type.

Agility – These individuals are friendly, cooperative and gifted with compassion. People with a low score may be more distant. Among the features is being gentle, affectionate and sympathetic.

Neurosis – We also talk about emotional Stability. This dimension relates to the emotional stability of the person and his / her degree of negative emotions. People who score high in Neurosis are often confronted with emotional instability and negative emotions. Features include being in a fluctuating and tight mood.

Cognitive functions are the capacities of our brain that enable us to communicate, to perceive our environment, to concentrate, to remember an event or to accumulate knowledge (Siegler, 2016). Several cognitive functions are interrelated. Attention is a good example because it is a necessary but not sufficient function for optimal functioning of other cognitive functions including memory and executive functions. For example, a person who is not attentive to what an interlocutor tells him will record the information in memory badly even if at the base, it has no memory problem.

Cognitive (mental) capabilities are higher brain functions that provide a person the opportunity to be a man. They are thinking, spatial orientation, comprehension, calculation, learning, speech, ability to reason. Cognitive abilities are brain skills we need for various activities. They are part of our brain capacities such as: remembering, solving problems, concentrating. To work on them we can set up workshops that focus attention, memory, spatial-visual intelligence.