To change its image from persistently looking like an old fashion store, Mc Gregor’s Ltd decided to amend some of the long existing human resource policies, the company made a restructuring of the top management organ and modified its structure to accommodate younger employees and even customers to the Mc Gregor’s limited stores.
For the restructuring and the face lifting of the company to effectively work, the company had to change the discount policy, this would have eventually helped in brand building measure. From the system, the company would initiate cost cutting measure and management restructuring that would contribute to creating a better impression on in its consumer market as initially the company had been referred to as old fashioned due to its personal hierarchical practices and the old sale staffs. The need to address such dissatisfaction among employees, failure of the company to attract young sales in the market, gain the loyalty of workers and to prevent loss due to the then discount scheme, Gregor’s Ltd recommended an introduction of a new discount policy.
I beg to differ with the policy in some ways. As much as the system seems lucrative and better placed at reviving the company’s fortunes, it is not an enough reason to give all the long struggles up without strategies in the name of creating an appealing market for the larger society. If the company was wishing to give discounts to its cleaners and the subordinate staff members then it would have been a wise decision to have it as a gift to them on some festive season. If the company is in need of attracting customers and create appealing sales to the consumers, it should have introduced discounts on sales p to given amounts for those clients who buy in huge supplies. The other alternative is that Gregor,s store should introduce coupon and points so that every time one purchases from its store then there are points rewards that may later be redeemed for some gifts.
The need to restructure the top management to the system could be a good decision as younger personals inject new management skills into the business and would enable the store to accommodate the new trends in the market to conform to its competitors. As much as this would be a decision worth trying, I would have rather that the existing management team stay put. Due to their lifelong skills and experiences with the company, it is possible that their knowledge may be vital in breaching several barriers that the business may face. The role of the new management team shall be to create new opportunities in the market that never existed and help improve the company suitability to the younger consumers.
In its bid to change the face of the company through recruiting younger employees the company should consider empowering the nearby Boston college students with part-time jobs. It is from the students that the business may obtain a new lease of young customers and if so what better way than bring the students attention to the store than giving the students part-time employment at the shop.