Solved: Communication Midterm 3

Communication Midterm 3


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Question 24

In the linear model of public speaking, the party expressing an idea is the:


Question 35

Language that suggests prejudice or preconceptions about other people is considered:


Question 39

During a speech, the speaker should summarize main points and provide a clincher in the:




Question 2

In a speech, examples, testimony, statistics, and narratives are all considered:

bibliographic information
delivery supports
presentation aids
rhetorical content
supporting materials


Question 4

What part of a speech’s introduction briefly lists the speech’s main points?




Question 5

Which of the following is not an example of plagiarism:

cutting and pasting Internet information into an outline without citing the source
leaving source citations out of a speech if the sources are listed in the outline
omitting a source of information if the idea was rewritten in the speaker’s own words
presenting information gained from an interview without citing the source if the speaker kept a tape recording of the interview
using an author’s exact words in a speech and citing the source in both the speech and the outline


Question 6

What is a major part of the invention element of speech preparation?

arrangement of content
focus on statistics
generation of ideas
masking of the truth
recall of examples



Question 7

The best way for speakers to avoid the debate over appropriate language and political correctness is to:

base all arguments on hypothetical examples
craft all statements using gender-based terms
support all claims with credible evidence and logical reasoning
verify stereotypes through audience surveys
write all presentations with ethnicity in mind


Question 8

Which of the following is an example of a speech transition?

“Are there questions?”
“Becoming a scuba diver takes time.”
“Now that we have discussed jaguars, let’s move on to cheetahs.”
“Yes, that’s true.”
“You are the next speaker.”


Question 11

Which of the following presentation elements help audience recall by supporting the thesis statement?

audience preferences
main points
presentation aids
style choices
transition words


Question 12

Which of the following examples of audience member feedback holds a speaker accountable in an ethical manner?

“It was apparent you did not practice.”
“That subpoint made no sense!”
“There was no evidence to support that main point. Did you find any in your research?”
“Why was your speech so disorganized?”
“You are obviously biased on this topic.”


Question 13

During speech preparation, speakers can best avoid biased language through their:


Question 25

When is plagiarism acceptable?

if other people in the class have been cheating
plagiarism is never acceptable
when a speaker copies only a single sentence from a book
when a speaker loses the source of his or her information
when a speaker rewrites a source’s ideas in his or her own words


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Question 26

Which of the following is an important characteristic of public speaking?

audience members and speakers have an equal opportunity to talk
handouts and charts are a major focus of the presentation
messages are tailored to the audience
preparation is limited so the speech appears spontaneous
speakers do not make changes based on audience feedback


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