Stem Cell Research, Cloning, and Genetic Engineering

Stem Cell Research, Cloning, and Genetic Engineering

Are there any circumstances in which you would allow yourself to be cloned? Why or why not?

My post uses the teleological theory of ethics.

Many of the possible benefits and consequences of cloning give this action merit. Cloning a human being in and of itself is not a bad action. As long as it is done with care, and with the goal of minimizing suffering, cloning should even actually be encouraged. As Manninen points out, cloning gets a very negative portrayal through our media, with the majority of interpretations being that clones are either psychotic and menacing, or that they are genetic monstrosities. The reality is a lot closer to clones being more like rough copies of their DNA source, with the difference being that their conception and raising requires a laboratory. Cloning may eventually even get to the point where a clone embryo may be implanted into the womb of a woman. What is the evil in that? There are some really positive results from cloning. A barren couple who are normally unable to have children may be able to conceive through cloning methods. Fallen children or parents may be cloned to help fill the void of their passing. I argue that the end result of being able to do good justifies this action in many many cases.

In order for cloning to be permissible, it has to have a good end. There are, however, some instances in which cloning would be a bad action due to its ends. One good example is if someone is utilizing cloning for evil purposes, such as cloning people to use them for a bad end. While this may sound like something a super villain may do, imagine if an African warlord who has no qualms with using child soldiers gets ahold of efficient cloning technology and starts raising an army from it. It would obviously be a bad thing then!