Research Topic Selection

Research Topic Selection


Throughout the following weeks, your assignments will provide you with the necessary parts to go from the conception of your topic to the final paper.

We all know that when selecting a topic to write on, it is best to look at a variety of things: your interest, research you can find on it, audience and the purpose. We know that the audience will be the instructor and the purpose is to provide you with the skills necessary to write a proper research paper.

For this week’s assignment, you are to select two to three topics that you are interested in writing your research paper on. For each topic, provide an idea journal on what you would like to research and why. Be sure to include your audience and the purpose of the topics. Once you have completed an idea journal for each topic, decide on which topic you will continue with and provide reasons why you selected that particular topic.

Writing Requirements

  • APA format
  • 3–4 pages in length (excluding cover page, abstract, and reference list)
  • Use the APA template located in the Course Information folder to complete the assignment.

Grading Criteria:

  • This assignment will be graded using the UOTP Writing Rubric displayed below

Assignment Submissions Instructions: 

  1. Prepare you assignment offline in a word processing software such as Microsoft Office
  2. To submit your document, scroll to the bottom of the page, below any rubric if applicable and click the Add Submissionbutton
  3. Drag and drop you paper to the File Submissionsarea, or browse for you file by clicking the . icon 
  4. Check the box next to the original work acknowledgement statement
  5. Click the Save changes button to submit

Note: You may edit your submission up until the assignment is graded by your instructor or if requested by your instructor. To edit your submission, scroll to the bottom of the page, below any rubric if applicable and click the Edit Submissions button, and follow steps 3-5 above.

The research paper is write to identify some problems or reason for the problem and also writes to solve the problems. The research paper has some specific purpose which addresses to the specific audience. In the described time, the research paper is written and gives results and also provides recommendations for the future (Saunders, 2011). The interested topics are given below which I want to do research.

  1. Role of Job satisfaction of Employees and how it strengthens the Customer Repurchase Intentions

For the research paper, one of the interested topic to write on the job satisfaction of employees and how positively it does impact on the customer and increase the satisfaction of customers so that they repurchase the company product. Customer satisfaction is important for the organisations because it impacts on the profitability, but it can only achieve by the employees who are working for the organisation. It is further explained to describe the purpose and audience of the research paper (Gounaris, 2013).

  • Purpose: This research paper as a purpose to examine the employee’s job satisfaction role in the repurchase intention of customers and by the end it will easily find out that how much employee job satisfaction impact on the customers.
  • Audience: For the research paper, selected audience is the employees and the customers of the organisation. Interview and questionnaire are supposed to fill by both employees and customers and also evaluate the impact on the overall company performance. It addresses to the organisations and gives results to them.
  1. Impact of Employee Training and Development on Employee Performance

Another interested topic to write for the research paper is to evaluate the impact of training and development on the performance of employees in the specific organisation. It is known that employee performance will change the future of organisations and for this, organisations are supposed to train their employees by different ways (Said, 2015). The purpose and audience of the research paper are defined below.

  • Purpose: The purpose of this research is to evaluate that how much training and development is necessary for the employees and how much it affects to the employee performance and overall business.
  • Audience: The selected audience for the research paper is the employees who are trained by the organisation and questionnaire are filled by evaluating that how much their performance are increased after getting training from the organisation. It also addresses to the organisation to describe the importance of employee training and how it effect on the overall business.
  1. Impact of Motivation of Employees on the Performance of Employees in Organization

Another topic for the research paper is to evaluate the impact of the motivation of employees on the performance of employees and analyse the overall effect on the organisation. Employee’s performance is a most important tool for the company to get success and for this, it is important that employee performance should be enhanced by training and development. By the motivation, employees will perform better, and it does impact on the overall organisation (Manzoor, 2012). For the research paper, purpose and audience are described below.

  • Purpose: The purpose of this research is to evaluate the impact of motivation on the employee’s performance and identify that how much it is necessary for the organisation to adopt to get a better result and become a market
  • Audience: For the research, the audience is the employees and managers and questionnaire and interviews are conducted to analyse the results. Employees who are motivated and managers who motivated them are the main audiences of the research, and it also addresses to the organisation which is supposed to analyse for the research purpose and provide results to them.

Selected Topic:

For the research paper, the topic should be selected rightly which give better results than others and also useful for the researcher and the others. The selected topic for my research is:

Role of Job satisfaction of Employees and how it strengthens the Customer Repurchase Intentions

The reason to select this topic is that it will give better results and also useful for the organisation. The results presented at the end of the research will give the clear and broad picture to the organisations, and they will try to satisfy the employees first and then customers. Suggestions and recommendations are also made at the end, and it will provide a further guideline to the organisation that how they can satisfy their employees and then achieve customer satisfaction. Also, it is easy to analyse as interview and questionnaire are filled by the employees and the customers and it give clear results and also provide the perception of both employees as well as customers and give the result to the organisation to describe the importance of job satisfaction of employees so that organisations try to satisfy their employees first.


Gounaris, B. (2013). The role of employee job satisfaction in strengthening customer repurchase intentions.

Manzoor. (2012). Impact of employees motivation on organizational effectiveness.

Said. (2015). An assessment on the Impact of Training and Development on Employees’ Performance at work: A case study of NSSF Headquarters.

Saunders. (2011). Research methods for business students, 5/e.