Create an example of a table that is in first normal form

Quiz 3

  1. Create an example of a table that is in first normal form, but not in second normal form.
Student ID Name Prof_ID Prof_name Grade
001 Mark 2 Benzo 6
002 Henry 3 Schmid 4
003 Tobler 1 Borner 7

The above table is in 1NF because all the attributes are single-valued, but it’s not in 2NF. If student 001 leaves the college and row is deleted, then the information regarding professor Benzo will also be removed because of fully functional dependency.

  1. Create an example of a table that is in second normal form but not in third normal form.
Emp_id Emp_name Emp_zip Emp_state Emp_city Emp_district
001 Lily 124352 UK Pauri Bhagwan
002 Bob 234156 UP Agra Dayal Bagh
003 Miley 283245 TN Chennai Urrapkkam
004 Daisy 222009 MP Indore Ratan
005 John 143250 TN Chennai M-city

This table is in 1NF and 2NF, but not in third normal form due to the transitive dependency of Emp_state, Emp_city, and Emp_district on Emp_id.



  1. Create an example of a table that is in second normal form but not in third normal form.
Subject Professor Books
Mathematics Alex M1
Physics Rose Phy
Chemistry Adam Chem
Mathematics Bosch M2

Here, the table satisfies the 3rd NF, but due to the multivalued dependency of Professor and Books on Subject, it does not satisfy the 4th NF.