Justification of a research question

RP1: Research Project: The Research Question

Environmental consequences of climate change have on social, physical and psychological health of humans

Adverse climate changes are not only causing the environment to suffer but also the humans. The communities that are directly or indirectly affected by climate change suffer from depression, anxiety, fear and poor health. The climate changes have been causing damage to human social, physical and psychological health that is reshaping the communities and also putting lot of pressure on economies (McMichael, Woodruff & Hales, 2006).

Where there are many advantages earned on the economic strength and industrialization, there are also negative impacts of the same progress and development. The industrialization is progressing proving better product, improved lifestyle and employment to the communities along with various solutions in daily lives, medical, development and construction as well as technology. But all of these advantages are not being earned without significant losses. In the recent years much debate has shaded light on the adverse impacts of climate changes and industrialization that is flushing out carbon into the environment, damaging the lands that are no longer fertilizable, making healthy lands inhabitable and poisoning water resources (Tol, 2002).

All of these factors are relevant to the humans, their life styles and their basic needs. Without clan water, human are suffering from diseases and shortage of better cleaning water supplies (McMichael & Woodruff, 2005), drinkable water and lands to aggregate. The problems of the climate change are significant and impact not only on the natural resources that in turn causes trouble on the human health but also on the psychological health of communities. Based on these observations the following search question is proposed for analysis;

What impact do Environmental consequences of climate change have on social, physical and psychological health of humans? What are the impact of these consequences on US economy and its idea of strong community?

The proposed question aims to cover the health of humans as well as the social destruction and community gratification that is being under process over the years due to the climate exchanges. The following set of problems relevant to each of the three dimensions of human health and wellbeing are proposed to be considered in the research.

Social: breaking of communities and clans, decreased community cohesion, increased community aggression, increased social instability

Physical: diseases and waste material effects, increased exposure to water borne and vector borne illness, cancer, heart diseases, allergies, non-curable diseases.

Psychological: fear of apocalypse, losses of lands and resources causing uncertainty and fear, grief. Anxiety, PTSD, violence and aggression.

The second part of the research question aims to provide recommendations over the discussion relevant to the human betterment and social development in which people are able to participate in efforts of environment stability and help develop green environment. The research aims to base its arguments on valid information and data provided by government websites and verified resources. 

Justification of proposed topic

The proposed question is researchable given the sources from governments websites (provided in key references list) and wide set of reports and analysis provided by professionals including World Health Organization.

In order to answer the research question information in figure data will be required that is available on the verified websites of government and WHO. Following the center of the research question many of the economic reforms and policies are being developed and currently under process shared by official government sources regarding betterment solutions for communities suffering from climate changes. Such sources will help develop sound and valid arguments on the favorable policies.

The research question covers the focused area that is also interdependent. The social, physical and psychological health is part of the community studies and relevant to the environment in which the communities progress and develop.

Works Cited

McMichael, A. J., Woodruff, R. E., & Hales, S. (2006). Climate change and human health: present and future risks. The Lancet367(9513), 859-869.

McMichael, A. J., & Woodruff, R. E. (2005). Climate change and human health (pp. 209-213). Springer Netherlands.

Tol, R. S. (2002). Estimates of the damage costs of climate change, Part II. Dynamic estimates. Environmental and Resource Economics21(2), 135-160.

Key Sources- References- List

