Essay: Email and the advantages that it has

Part I: Questions

  1. What is the topic of the essay?

The topic of this essay is email and the advantages that it has.

  1. What is the position taken by the writer on the topic?

The writer believes that email is a fast speed method of communication that has many advantages.

  1. Imagine you are the author of the essay. Take a reader curious to know how the essay developed through the pre-writing stage of the essay.

Yes. It starts of with a hook in the introduction, then lists different advantages, and finishes with a strong conclusion. The hook brings the readers in, then there are a couple short paragraphs that informs the writer.

  1. What are the three parts of the essay?

If the topic of the paper is email and its advantages, the first thing you want to do is make a hook that will pull the reader in. With this, the author can then jump into what the essay will be about, and then list supports. At the end, you want to make sure to sum up all the thoughts and put a final thought together. This helps the reader review what has just beed read.


  1. What method of organization does the writer use to organize the material in the essay?

Intro, Body, Conclusion

  1. How does the essay conclude?

By relating to the common person, not boring the audience. This makes it more of an interesting read as the author is clearly trying to appeal to the reader and formulate something that the reader will like

  1. What is the first supporting point? What details does the writer give in support of the point?

The first supporting point is that the speed of email makes it an advantage. The writer compares email to the speed of regular mail, and mentions how effortless typing is.

  1. What is the second supporting point? What details does the writer give in support of the point?

The second supporting point is how inexpensive email is. The writer supports this statement by mentioning that each email does not cost a set amount, and there is no relative increase dependent upon how many messages were sent. Also mentions it is cheaper than phone bills.


  1. What is the third supporting point? What details does the writer give in support of the point?

Lastly, he mentions the convenience of email. The writer then talks about how difficult sending multiple copies of the same letter used to be. You had to photocopy multiple times, or rewrite the letter multiple times.

  1. What method of organization does the writer use to organize the material in the essay?

The writer organizes the paper by the order of importance. He lists out the most important supports to why email is such a great communication device, then moves on to the others.

  1. How does the essay conclude?

The writer ends the essay by tying all the three main points together to make all the thoughts into one. This leaves the reader knowing exactly what the writing was about.

  1. Why doesn’t the writer discuss the disadvantages of e-mail communication in the essay?

If the writer discusses disadvantages it could take away from the main point of the paper, which is about the advantages. Also, it could give the reader too much information that could make it hard to follow the real point of the paper.



Part II: The Essay


In life, each person has a unique set of moral principles, or a personal set of rules. This is called ethics, which is a very important part of one’s personal life or business life. Ethics are very important for many reasons but most importantly, ethics are a personal trait that is perceived publicly. If a person has bad ethics it can affect other people even though it is carried out by one individual. If people conducts themselves in a unethical way they are not going to be an asset, but rather could be a red flag. Some examples of good ethics are following the rules, being on time, and being honest. Some examples of bad ethics could include lying, stealing, not telling the truth, taking on business behind an owners back, and many other things.

Personally, ethics are very important to me as they were instilled at a very early age. My family raised me to be an honest man and to always tell the truth. From learning this growing up I have seen many advantages to being ethical, and at the same time I have seen examples of bad ethics and how they can affect somebody. If a person is unethical they cannot be trusted, and trust is a critical thing whether it be as an employee, student, or son. Nobody wants to be considered the person that cannot be trusted. For example, I knew a person who worked in a company and was doing unethical things behind the bosses back. This resulted in both the company losing money as well as the individual being fired.

When I hear of these types of situations I cannot fathom what these people are thinking. Ethics are a set of moral rules which are normally very open between the parties because there is not a lot of gray area in ethics. As a student, I go to class, do my homework, do my chores, and live every day of life as if my boss was watching. This makes every action of mine a reaction that is preinstalled in my head through so much repetition. I would never think of stealing money from a boss, cheating, or doing anything that was blatantly of bad ethics. I am a man of honor and would hot want to tarnish that image because where I am from honor is everything.

When encountered with a situation I tend to not even think about the unethical way out of a situation. For others it may be more difficult situation due to the fact that they were raised differently. I know many people who have been faced with options and chosen the unethical route. Unfortunately, I myself have taken the unethical route a couple times, but I learned the hard way as a child through punishment. This is a big reason to why I have such a strong opinion on ethics and will remain ethical, rather than unethical.