What are the seven major collaborative technologies? What feature or features does each technology offer for communication and productivity? Collaborative Technology Features Email Has the SMTP server which adds date and time information, and then directs the message to the …

Seven Major Collaborative Technologies Read more »

Use both the ideal gas law and the Van der Waals’ equation to calculate the temperature of water vapor (steam) for the following conditions: P = 220 bar, n = 2 mol, V = 1 L,  a = 5.536 L2 …

Use both the ideal gas law and the Van der Waals’ equation to calculate the temperature of water vapor (steam) for the following conditions: P = 220 bar, n = 2 mol, V = 1 L,  a = 5.536 L2 bar/mol2, b = 0.03049 L/mol and R = 0.08314472 L bar/K mol. Read more »